It is possible, and recommended, to implement procedures to handle known failed events automatically, and to implement procedures that monitor the failed event manager for new events automatically. 可以实现自动处理已知的失败事件的过程,还可以实现自动监视失败事件管理器中的新事件的过程。
If any fee under the intangible assets account is paid, no matter how much it is, the concerned party shall, according to the administrative regulations of the competent authorities, handle the relevant approval or registration procedures, and keep the relevant warrants for future reference. 对外支付无形资产项下费用的,无论金额大小,均应按相关主管部门管理规定办理有关核准或登记备案手续,并留存相关凭证备查。
According to the requirements of company's creator, handle with related external procedures and establish internal system of management. 按公司筹建者的委托,代为办理有关外部手续和代理建立内部各项制度的业务。
The two parties shall take the acceptance of the material, equipment, environment-protection standard together and handle the transfer procedures. 双方就材料、设备、质量、环保标准共同验收并办理交接手续。
How to handle the procedures of real estate mortgage hock? 房地产抵押典当有关手续如何办理?
To handle the procedures concerning ICC-related groups sent abroad for studying and training; 办理与中心有关的出国考察、培训等访问团组的外事手续;
If deemed necessary, the local labour and personnel department may itself directly handle procedures for transfer of the person engaged by the foreign investment enterprise. 必要时,可以由当地劳动、人事部门直接办理聘用职工的调转手续。
Patent agencies applying to handle foreign-related patent affairs must go through procedures as stipulated in the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China. 申请成立办理涉外专利事务的专利代理机构,应当依照《中华人民共和国专利法》的有关规定办理。
Handle void checks in accordance with accounting procedures. 按照财务章程处理取消账单。
Handle the employment and resignation procedures of staff; 负责办理员工入职、离职手续;
No legalization of how to handle the succession will transfer procedures? 未公证的遗嘱应该如何办理继承过户手续?
A commercial bank shall on its own initiative handle the repayment procedures for the due loans owned by the people's bank. 商业银行对到期的人民银行借款,应主动办理还款手续。
The securities company shall submit the account establishment materials of clients to the futures company in time, and the futures company shall sign the futures& brokage contract with clients and handle the account establishment procedures after verifying the materials. 证券公司应当及时将客户开户资料提交期货公司,期货公司应当复核后与客户签订期货经纪合同,办理开户手续。
Good for us to handle customs clearance procedures, the staff told us in English: Welcome to Mali! 为我们办理好通关的手续以后,工作人员用英语对我们说:欢迎来到马里!
Who fancy a piece of land, go "rural land circulation transactions" window handle land transfer procedures. 如果谁看中某块地,就去“农村土地流转交易”窗口办理土地流转手续。
They can handle standard procedures, such as drilling a well, but when something goes wrong, the engineers are in trouble. 他们能够应付标准程序,例如钻井,但出现问题时,工程师们就陷入了困境。
In its response to the EU and US requests for consultation, the first step of a formal complaint, the commerce ministry said China would look into the issue and handle it according to WTO dispute resolution procedures. 在回应欧盟和美国的磋商请求时,中国商务部表示,中方将认真研究磋商请求,并将按照WTO争端解决程序处理此事。磋商请求是提起正式申诉的第一步。
The securities investment funds participating in the marketing transactions shall establish securities accounts in the name of the funds, and the funds custodian may handle the specific procedures at the register department. 证券投资基金参与市场交易必须以基金的名义开设证券帐户,基金托管人可到登记部办理具体手续。
Trustees may independently handle trust auction procedures, and may also ask their agents to handle trust auction procedures for them. 委托人可以自行办理委托拍卖手续,也可以由其代理人代为办理委托拍卖手续。
Successful submissions result in the page showing the candidate's personal information, a pre-registration code and a particular time to handle registration procedures. 考生成功提交申请后,预约系统将显示考生提交的信息、预约代码和办理手续的时间。
The competent taxation authority at the interest occurrence locality shall handle the procedures on the exemption of interest income tax. 利息发生地主管税务机关应为其办理免征利息所得税手续。
Enterprises shall handle the procedures of verification of import payments in foreign exchange with administration of foreign exchange upon the documents including verification statement of import payments in foreign exchange, the foreign exchange collection vouchers and the foreign-related revenue declaration documents of international revenue and expenditure. 企业凭进口付汇到货核销表、收汇凭证以及国际收支涉外收入申报单等相关单证到外汇局办理贸易进口付汇核销手续。
After confirming the exclusive funds seats, the finds custodian shall handle the procedures for establishing the capital clearing account at the capital delivery and receiving department. 确定基金专用席位后,基金托管人应当向资金交收部办理开立资金清算帐户手续。
Instructing companies handle commencement procedures for new staffs, and the transfer procedure for demission staffs; 指导代理单位新入职员工办理入职手续,为离职员工办理转出手续;
You need to handle some procedures. 您得先办理一些手续。
Employee is from the ex Tri-Circle's, we handle our procedures carefully as much as possible. 但一样的质量要求。尽心尽意。员工大部分来自于三环原分厂。
Due to the disadvantages of traditional jointing handle manufacture such as long process flow, too many procedures, and high costs, the process gets improved. The new process simplified handle design, it shows good results by using flanging. 由于传统焊接手柄制造流程长、工序多、成本高等缺点,现进行了工艺改进,新工艺简化了手柄设计,采用翻边模成形,取得了较好的效果。
And if net business can improve after-sales service process and make the customer handle service failure selectively by online after sales service procedures to increase the efficiency of the service failure and unload the burden of the front-line customer service staff. 如果商家能够完善售后服务流程,使得顾客可自主按着流程对服务失误进行选择性处理,那么不仅可提高服务失误解决效率,还可减小一线客服人员工作量。
If you go to the counties and cities outside the designated medical institutions for medical treatment, you will not only handle the referral examination and approval procedures, but also need to bear all costs personally, then come back to the insured to be reimbursed. 如果去县市外的定点医疗机构就医不仅需要在参保社保局办理转院审批手续,还需要个人先负担所有费用,然后再回参保地报销。
Some Developed Countries, On-line Application Technology in China than in more Mature Technology Available, the Network can Handle all the Registration Procedures. 一些发达国家,网上报名技术比我国现有技术更加成熟,能够通过网络办理报名的一切手续。